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Newton Burgoland Primary School

Newton Burgoland Primary School

Together We Can Achieve Excellence

Fundraising Links

Forthcoming Events: -

Information about all the events at school can be found on our Diary Dates which are sent home each week and are available to read in the school notice board. Posters of all events are also in the notice board.

Have you seen these?

School Lottery - download the information and link below.

Easyfundraising website - you can do your online shopping, insurance renewals and purchases, holiday bookings and more through this website - the process and cost is the same for you, however we get a % of your spending for the school - you can't lose!!

Yellow Moon - excellent for craft ideas and presents and a % comes to us for the school. EVEN BETTER, you can buy from Yellow Moon through Easyfundraising, then we get double commission contributions!

Looking for Name Labels?
Newton Burgoland PFA is registered with Label Planet, a family owned business, which promotes a school fundraising scheme through which the school can receive 30% commission on every order placed quoting the school reference number (14322). Please use the following link: -