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Newton Burgoland Primary School

Newton Burgoland Primary School

Together We Can Achieve Excellence

Mathematics At Home

Together We Make Learning A Memorable, Unmissable Adventure

You may feel that you are no good at maths, that you don't have a maths brain, but it is not true - the skills that you need to be numerate are not actually inherited – they come from practice. It is our mindset, rather than our ability or talent, that leads to success in maths. (see our learning habits page for more information on mindset)

Sometimes- but not at Newton Burgoland- learners are told that they just "don't have what it takes" to be good at maths. We work hard in our school to make sure no one thinks this and, by following a few simple tips, you can combat this message at home - ensuring maths doesn't become a subject to be avoided.

For the resources used at our maths workshop for parents click here

Point out the maths around you
Involve your child in everyday activities involving maths and numbers. They can help to pay for shopping and count the change. Cook with them and measure the ingredients (in grams and kilograms please). Work out together how much wall paper is needed and use timetables and TV schedules to talk about and calculate time.

Be Excited about maths!
Even if you had  a bad experience with maths at school avoid comments like: "I hated maths at school" or "I was never any good at it". Your child will copy you and believe that it is OK to avoid maths.

Your child will be successful if  you are positive about maths. If you can show that you are not scared of maths and that ypu are  willing to learn alongside your child, showing them how important maths is to their future.

Need help:  The National Numeracy Challenge ( – was set up in part to enhance parents’ skills and get them feeling more confident in supporting their child’s learning.

Praise effort rather than talent
This shows your child that, by working hard, they can always improve. Mistakes are part of learning. Challenging problems are exciting because they help use learn.


  • Take the number bonds challenge: download the practice sheets below
  • Download and make the tables cards (below) to practice your tables.
  • Year 2-6 can login to Doodle maths and tables- 15 minutes a day is recommended.
  • Dice games like 'pass the pig' are great fun and help you to practice adding
  • Card games make learning fun
  • Top trumps helps us think about large numbers and different units of measure
  • Talk to your child's teacher if you want more.