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Newton Burgoland Primary School

Newton Burgoland Primary School

Together We Can Achieve Excellence

After & Before School Clubs

From 24/10/22   we will be offering a late club Monday to Thursday from 3.20 to 5.20

The cost will be £12.00 per child per session – childcare vouchers will be accepted.

Late club will start with a fruit snack.

A sandwich tea can be ordered via Dolce.

The children will then be offered a variety of activities to select from including: Lego, Kappla, drawing and board games. 

Current staffing and sports arrangements from 24/10/22 are as follows:

  • Monday: Mr Ikin-Dean, Miss Moore  and coach unlimited
  • Tuesday: Miss Moore  and coach unlimited
  • Wednesday:  Mr Ikin-Dean, Mrs Moran and coach unlimited. 
  • Thursday: Mr Ikin-Dean,  Mrs Moran and coach unlimited

Places at late club will be available on an ad-hoc basis at £15 a session, subject to places being available.

Ad-hoc places must be booked 2 days in advance via the office.

Parents will be asked to sign a club agreement, which includes a late pickup charge of £10 per 15 minutes for parents arriving later than 5:25pm, to cover additional staff costs. Club agreements will be sent upon sign-up.

Early Bird Club

Our popular Early Bird Club runs daily, all term from 7.45 until school starts. Payment should be made online. Should you suddenly need before school care then you are welcome to just turn up. Places do not need to be booked in advance.

Pupils are offered milk, cereal, toast, fruit and toast on arrival.

Login details – you will need: -

Your mobile number
Your email address
Password from SchoolMoney
Your child’s first name
Click here to view Parents Guide -

Using SchoolMoney

Go to the following School Money page: - top right hand corner, written in blue capitals- 'PARENTS - CLICK HERE TO LOGIN'. To login, simply enter your mobile phone number, email address and password into the boxes provided. After this, all you have to do is click login and type in your child's name when prompted. Now, click OK to enter your account.Your password will be provided in either an email or text message from the school.If you are having any trouble accessing your account, please contact the school office.
Click here to view Parents Guide -  

Childcare Vouchers

Payment for before and after school care can be made with Childcare Vouchers. Please see the Government Information page, the Childcare Calculator and the letter below, for more information.