Class 1 - EYFS & Year 1
Welcome to Class 1
Welcome to Class one
Class one is a fun and exciting place to be! It is made up of reception and year one children who work within the foundation stage and key stage one curriculums. The adults working full time in Class 1 are Miss Eley and Ms Wood.
We visit our nurseries and pre-schools and use their assessments to ensure that we are building on what the children already know. We have a focus on the prime areas of the EYFS, including language development, as this is a key indicator for later learning success. To aid this language development we provide a range of exciting experiences for all of the children including: forest schools, faith visits, trips to places such as the zoo and Tamworth castle. We also have workshops in school from the library services and other visitors to ensure that the children have first hand experiences in a broad range of subjects.
In class one we are curious and love to learn new things. We enjoy everything that we do together and every day is different. Our curriculum is planned around the children’s interests and new inspiring themes each half-term. We make the most of all opportunities to play and learn together in our beautiful classroom and exciting outdoor areas. We love to see the children grow and learn as they take their first steps on their journey through school.
See PDF version below in attachments for the academic year 2021-2022
year b curriculum map
See PDF version below in attachments for academic year 2022-2023
maths progression
You will find a brief overview of units of work below and how your could help at home, for more information see our subject pages.
All about me
In this unit of work we talk a lot about ourselves and our families. We explore our school adn where we live.
We look at houses and homes and families, discovering that all families are different. A washday visit from Museum services helps us to learn about life in the past. We find out about Florence Nightingale and compare her life with that of Mary Secole - developing our knowledge of diversity, equality and the importance of respect for all.
You can help at home by talking about the people in our family, the jobs they do and what makes them special. You can talk to me about my life, so far, helping me to understand chronology.
You could take me to the museum of childhood.
Our wonderful world
We start to think about the wider world, continents, countries, seas and oceans. We watch the weather and find out about the seasons.
We will find out about our capital city and our monarch comparing the lives of 2 queens: Victoria and Elizabeth II. We love building London's landmarks in the block area. We come back to this in year 2 when we study the Great Fire of London.
You could take me to London, explore an atlas with me or help me to keep weather diary. You could read stories to me from around the world.
off to the seaside
We find out about holidays in the past. About the 'penny lick' and bathing huts. We look at maps of England to locate the coasts (we will come back to this in year 5 and 6).
A highlight of the term is our trip to the Sealife centre. We will be looking at ocean habitats. In year 3 and 4 we will look at other habitats and biomes.
Finding out about Grace Darling and her heroic rescue efforts, has us building lighthouses and re-enacting her life story. We can compare her with Florence Nightigale as they were both awarded medals.
You can take me to the seaside and help me explore rock pools or a trip to Bradgate to fish in the river would be good. We will come back to habtitats in class 3 and 4.
If you go to the seaside in the summer do send us a postcard.
Hot and cold places
We study the life of Ernest Shackleton and find out about hot and cold places. In continuous provision. We build habitats for polar bears and penguins. Some of us will be found outside building ships to sail to the South Pole. We will contrast Ernest Shackleton with Admiral Heng Ze to begin to understand how different groups of people have been represented in the past.
We will be exploring the seasons and animals with a trip to the zoo.
You could take me to visit a farm and we could pick fruit or vegetables.
off to the moon
We are going to the space centre to find out about space and astronauts.
Some of us will be found outside building rockets. We are going to think about who should be remembered for the first moon landing, building our understanding of equality.
We will find out about the history of flight and key people like the Wright Brothers, exploring why some people are remembered more than others. We will study space again in class 4.
In the garden
Time to start planting so we can create a healthy snack. We will build on our cooking and preparation skills as we move form class 1 to class 4.
We will be visiting the botanical gardens to look at different habitats, looking at minibeasts in the woods and school garden.
Leicestershire museum services will visit and help us with our drawing and printing skills.
You can help me by letting me grow some vegetables in the garden and taking me for a walk to look for mini-beasts.