Class 2 - Year 2
Welcome to Class Two
Class 2 is made up of year 2 learners and is part of Key Stage One. The class teachers are Mrs Hall and Mrs Watson. The learning partner supporting in class 2 is Miss Moore.
Together, we plan an interesting curriculum to enable all learners to develop their knowledge and skills. To make our learning exciting, we base our curriculum under a theme and link topics together where possible. We build learning from class 1, ensuring there are a range of opportunities to extend the knowledge and talents of all learners. At Newton Burgoland we are fortunate to be part of a brilliant community, which enables us to carry out studies of the wildlife and local area. In addition to this, we ensure that we provide a range of experiences for all learners outside of our community, such as religious visits and a trip to The Black Country Museum. Membership of creative learning services also ensures that all of our learners are able to have first-hand experience of handling historical artefacts.
We love how every day is different and enjoy watching our learners grow, ready to take on the challenge of Key Stage Two.
Year 2 Overview |
English Little Red Riding Hood - Narrative Information texts – Owls – Information Texts Poetry – Zim Zam Zoom Diary Entries – Great Fire of London |
English The boy who cried Ninja – Narrative How to wash a woolly mammoth - Instructions |
English Stuck – Narrative African animals – Information Texts Tell me a dragon - Poetry |
SCIENCE Animals including Humans – Habitats, needs of living things and life cycles. |
SCIENCE Materials – Changing materials
SCIENCE Animals including humans – Healthy Humans |
GEOGRAPHY Our local Area and the UK |
GEOGRAPHY UK Capital Cities Magical maps |
GEOGRAPHY On Safari (Africa) Continents and Oceans |
HISTORY The Great Fire of London |
HISTORY How we used to live then and now – Shopping A street through time. |
HISTORY Significant people in history |
RE What do Christians believe God is like and who do Christians say made the world? Why does Christmas matter to Christians? |
RE What does it mean to belong to a faith community? Why does Easter matter to Christians? |
RE Who is a Muslim and how do they live? How should we care for others and the world why does it matter? |
ART Explore and Draw Making Birds |
ART Exploring the world through mono-print |
ART African masks |
DT Textiles: Sewing/weaving |
DT Mechanisms – Moving pictures
DT Food Technology – Dips and Dippers |
PSHE Digital Well-Being Unit from 3 year plan E- Safety |
PSHE Money Matters Unit from 3 year plan |
PSHE Growing up Unit from 3 year plan |
COMPUTING E-safety Computer systems and networks Photography |
COMPUTING E – safety Making music Pictograms |
COMPUTING E-safety Robot algorithms An introduction to quizzes |
MUSIC Follow Charanga |
MUSIC Follow Charanga |
MUSIC Follow Charanga |
Please find a PDF version attached below.
Maths Overview
You will find a brief overview of units of work below and how your could help at home, for more information see our subject pages.
Into the wild and Into the past - Autumn
In this unit of work
Children will read and discover information about our woodland animals. They will then write their own information text about their chosen woodland animals. The information will build on their prior knowledge of animal habitats and classification of woodland animals from class 1. The children will also write their own woodland story focusing on characters and settings. Stories will be based on "The Owl who was afraid of the dark" by Jill Tomlinson and "The Crows Tale" by Naomi Howarth. The children will also enjoy class reads including "Fantastic Mr Fox" by Roald Dahl and "The Hodgeheg" by Dick King-Smith.
We will look at animals with a focus of the life cycles of chosen animals and the needs of living animals and their habitats, this also builds on from class 1's work on the hungry caterpillar.
We will be looking at the physical and human features of our country. We will also use field work and observational skills to study our school grounds and surrounding environment. We will be making simple maps and creating a travel guide for our school village.
In history we will be looking at shopping, they will be looking at changes within living memory by talking and interviewing people from their family, We will be delving deeper into how people lived and what other things have changed in their daily lives. This is then built on in key stage 2 in their work on world war 2.
In R.E we will be looking at different religions focusing on Muslims and their beliefs. We will also be looking at Stories Jesus told and caring for others linking in with PSHCE on myself and my relationships. This work builds on 'special stories' explored in class 1.
In Art we explore drawing, printing and painting nature. We will be looking at sculpture using natural materials looking at the artist Andy Goldsworthy during some of our forest schools sessions. These skills will then be explored further during keystage 2 sculpture project in year 3.
In Design and Technology the children will be looking at making a bag for life with textiles linking in with our shopping work in history. This will build on the skills they begin when they make clothing items in class 1 . This skill is then built on in keystage 2 during their cross stitch project
London's Burning
In this unit of work the children will be:
Looking at The Great Fire of London. The children will write a historical account of a character that they will create, a diary, explanation text, drama and freeze frames all based on the Great fire of London. They will also create traditional tales and extended stories. Also there will be links to computing searching for information safely.
In science children will be working scientifically looking at materials and the properties building on their prior knowledge of materials and their properties in class 1. We will be doing investigations on waterproof materials and thinking about how materials can be changed.
In Geography we will be looking at the UK capital cities and comparing them, building on learning about London from year 1. In English the children will be exploring the text "George and the Dragon" by Chris Wormell.
In History we will be looking at the life of Samuel Pepys and Christopher Wren as a part of learning about significant people from the past. We will look at buildings built then by Christopher Wren and buildings now, linked to the class trip.
Travels with my bear
In this unit of work the children will be:
Looking at countries in other continents, with a focus on Africa. The children will be looking at the human and physical features. Alongside Jofli our class bear they will take part in investigations on the 7 continents and 5 oceans using a range of different sources.
Our English work will be based on writing a non-fiction text about big cats, linking with our work on Africa. We will also be writing some poetry about creating a better world for all.
In Art children will be building on their work on natural art in the world. They will be working with printing techniques and creating art using digital methods.
In science children will be looking at Keeping healthy. They will be looking at the human body, food groups and exercise we need to keep healthy. This builds on the work that children have done in class one. The children will design and make their own healthy food as a part of their Design technology project, this will link in with looking at food from around the world.