Curriculum Plans
Together We Make Learning A Memorable, Unmissable Adventure
All classes except class 2 follow a two-year plan. In drawing up this plan the aims and content of the National Curriculum has been carefully considered and units of work devised to enable learners achieve. We are currently reviewing our curriculum to ensure that it is still relevant to our current pupils- curriculum development is an ongoing process so that we can reflect best practice and meet the needs of all of our learners. In 2021/22 long-term plans were adjusted throughout the year as learners' needs emerged.
All autumn term plans were adjusted to remember her majesty Queen Elizabeth II in 22/23.
Year A: 2021/22 2023/2024
Year B: 2022/23 2024/2025
Plans may be reordered to take advantage of opportunities which arise locally.
Plans can be found on our class pages.
Unit of work plans can be found on subject pages.