Governor Committees And Reports
As a whole Governing Body we meet twice a term. The finance team and health and safety team meet outside these meetings and report to the full meetings. School improvement and curriculum matters are discussed at the main meetings.
If you are able to offer a particular skill to the governing body, to support its work, then please contact the office to find out how you can get involved.
For attendance at our meetings please see documents below.
For further information about our work in different areas see below.
Health and Safety
As governors we are committed to ensure a safe and secure learning environment for all pupils and staff.
This committee meets at least once a term during the school day to look at all aspects of the schools and pupils' health and safety, to ensure a fit for purpose learning environment.
The accident book is scrutinised as are health and safety records for the testing of fire alarms, water temperatures and evacuation drills.
A termly health and safety walk around is completed, which examines the entire school for improvements, potential risks, and work carried out already. Parents and pupils are invited to join us for this.
Recently, we have implemented an eco-friendly cleaning system to reduce plastic waste and the use of chemicals.
During the pandemic we worked with the school to put in place risk assessments and enhanced cleaning arrangements. We recognised the school's vulnerability during this time to staff absence and moved to a cleaning firm to ensure that we could remain open.
Finance and Personnel
This committee monitors spending in line with the school improvement plan.
Current plans include:
- Purchasing a validated phonics scheme
- Purchase of new Laptops
- Premises development
Curriculum and Pupils/ School improvement
All members of the governing body contribute to our school improvement priorities by:
- Talking to parents staff and pupils
- Analysing anonymous pupil data to look for areas of success and areas we can improve
- Arranging surveys for parents, pupils and staff, using the information collected to celebrate success and make improvement suggestions
- Visiting the school to monitor the implementation of the school policies related to learning
- Supporting the head teacher and staff with school improvement
- Setting a school improvement plan with the headteacher and staff
- Ensuring a diverse, inclusive and appropriate education for the pupils
This year we are focused on supporting the school:
- To further develop an established local partnership between schools which will challenge and support staff at all levels and [provide enrichment for pupils.
- To work with partners to further develop our approach to preparing pupils to live and work in a global society