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Newton Burgoland Primary School

Newton Burgoland Primary School

Together We Can Achieve Excellence

Parental Support Information and Links Including Mental Health Support

At Newton Burgoland we view every child and family with unconditional positive regard, everyone is part of our very special family.  Please do not hesitate to make an appointment to come and talk to us if you think you need some support. 

mental health

Mental health and wellbeing plays a vital role in education and impact on our students’ learning. Here at Snewton Burgoland Primary School, we are committed to advancing and safeguarding students’ emotional well being and good health. 

Mrs Ward is our  Senior Mental Health Practitioner.

We are working with lightbulb to continously impove our understand of and support for mental well-being.

emotional health and well being for both staff and pupils.”


You can find more information and resources on local and national help available to you below. Please feel free to contact Mrs Ward should you require signposting to support that may not be mentioned below.

 Link to video  video link


We have an anxiety programme we can offer for 10 weeks for pupils who need extra support - talk to us if you think your child would benefit.

We can also offer a friendship programme if this is an area of difficulty.

Local Help

Your GP They will be able to provide help and advice. Your GP can also provide access to appropriate specialist services and local organisations.

Call 111 You can call 111 when you need medical help fast but it’s not a 999 emergency. NHS 111 is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Calls are free from landlines and mobile phones.

NHS mental health services Find local mental health services on the NHS website.


National Help

Childline Free 24-hour counselling service for children and young people up to their 19th birthday.

0800 1111

Mind – Infoline Offers advice and support to service users; has a network of local associations in England and Wales to which people can turn for help.

0300 123 3393, text number: 86463

SANE  Provides practical help, emotional support and specialist information for people aged 16 and over with mental health problems, their family, friends and carers.

0300 304 7000

Supportline  Confidential telephone helpline offering emotional support to any individual on any issue.

01708 765200

Beat  Provides helplines, self-help groups and online support to anyone affected by eating disorders.

Helpline: 0808 801 0677,

Youthline: 0808 801 0711,

Studentline: 0808 801 0811

The Samaritans  The Samaritans provide a confidential service for people in despair and who feel suicidal.

116 123

NSPCC  Provides helplines and information on child abuse, child protection and safeguarding children.

0808 800 5000

Young Minds  Young Minds has a Parent Helpline that offers free confidential telephone and email support to any adult worried about the wellbeing of a child or young person.

0808 802 5544

Youth Wellbeing Directory

Helps you find support for mental health and wellbeing of young people up to age 25 across the UK.

Free resource about mental health and addiction issues. It has advice and documents on issues including depression, anxiety, self-harm, bipolar, eating disorders and coping.

Helplines partnership

Provides a comprehensive list of mental health helplines in the UK.

Mental Health Foundation This website offers a wide range of information about mental health issues.

Health Talk Online

Aims to provide balanced information about the experience of everyday life with a range of health conditions and issues, what to expect both physically and mentally, overcoming practical difficulties, making decisions about treatment and talking to health professionals.


YouthinMind is an online resource for information about mental health and offers brief assessments. It also provides links to other useful

Providing support for improving children's mental health

SUNRISE Wellbeing – contact information below

Sources of genreal support

The contact information below might be of use to you and your family: -

•    School Nurse and Healthy Together contact information in our School Nurse section
•    Centre for Fun and Families Telephone: 0116 223 4254 - school can complete a referral form 
•    Home Start Tel: 01530 411 121 - – Parents or school can refer
•    Wellbeing Practitioner – information attached, accessed through Early Help, see below
•    *Early Help – you will need to complete the online form below to access this (school can also refer)
•    P3 Charity Tel: 0115 850 8190- Improving lives and communities, delivering services to enable people to unlock their potential and open-up new possibilities -
•    Citizens Advice Tel: 0300 3302 111 -

 This is a link to take you to the Early Help online form -

Please click on the green ‘Request Services’ button - this will open the online form. 

Please let us know if you need any help completing any referral forms.


Please follow this link for support with Behaviour at Home