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Newton Burgoland Primary School

Newton Burgoland Primary School

Together We Can Achieve Excellence

governors backup

To contact the governors please email or call the office

First Name
Sub Committee Role
Date Appointed
Term Ends
Relevant Business Interests
Deborah Aldred            Vice Chair Co-opted Curriculum/Pupils Chair HT/Performance Manage 29/06/15 28/06/19 None
James Dodds           Chair Co-opted Finance/Personnel,  Premises H&S               HT/Performance Manage 29/06/15 28/06/19 None
Louise Elliott Staff Curriculum/Pupils 25/10/16 24/10/20 None
Kate Goodhew Parent Curriculum/Pupils - more able/SEN 14/09/16 13/09/20 Speech & Language Therapist for schools - A Time to Talk
Eloise Grove Parent Curriculum 03/12/18 02/12/22 None
Tim McCaskie Co-opted Premises/H&S  12/06/19 11/06/23 None
Steve Oakley Co-opted Finance/Personnel                               Curriculum 26/06/17 25/06/21 Chair of Governors - William Booth Primary School, Nottingham & Nottingam City Council employee
Sue Richmond Co-opted Premises/H&S Curriculum/Pupils - Anti-bullying 24/10/16 23/10/20 None
Tracey Spencer Parent Finance/Personnel ,  Curriculum, HT/Performance Manage 20/06/17 19/06/21 None
Sue Ward Head Teacher   29/08/06   Response Multimedia, Confernence Management - Husband business partner

Leicestershire Needs Governors

This link will take you to Governor Development Service - containing information on becoming a school governor