Health, Safety Information
Health and Safety
Health and safety starts with behaviour and making positive choices. How we choose to behave can make a difference to everyone's health safety and well-being. At Newton Burgoland Primary school we help our pupils to understand the importance of kindness to all. School is safe place to make mistakes and to learn.
Sometimes parents ask us for help with challenging behaviour at home — this is quite normal, and we are happy to help. We can signpost you to the school nurse or other organisations if needed. Please don't struggle alone — most of us are parents, and we have been there.
Health and safety is everyone's responsibility. Please drive and park carefully around our village. Let us know if you spot anything we can improve to keep our children safe. Please keep dogs away from the school gate and site.
We will only hand your child over to you or a nominated adult. Please complete the long term collection form to nominate another adult in case you are delayed or for a regular collection arrangement.
Useful Information
- Headlice
- Norovirus
- Infection control
- Infection Guidance
- First Aid
- Medication in School
- Dogs at school
- Parking
- Icy conditions
- Emergency Closure
- Covid-19 pupil absence
We are proactive in promoting E-safety. This link will take you to further information for home and school, including information about our Internet Legends
Fire drills are held every term. A whole school lockdown will be practised at least once annually.
In severe weather we will only close the school if it is not safe to travel, or we have insufficient staff in school to keep pupils safe - further information can be found below.
Administration of Medicine
Medication is administered voluntarily by school staff, they are not able to administer medicine without a completed and signed Voluntary Administration of Medicines form.
We are able to administer medicine only during school breaks, usually at lunchtime.
Please do not send your child with medicine in their school bag; bring the medicine to the school office and complete a form and a medicine label. The form is also available for you to complete in advance, see below — thank you for your support with this.
Behaviour Principles
In considering all matters related to behaviour and discipline, the following principles have been agreed
1. All children have a right to learn and all teachers a right to teach
2. All children can make choices about their behaviour and should be helped to exercise that choice responsibly.
3. All children should be encouraged to be honest about their behaviour, with themselves and other people, and helped to learn from their experiences.
4. All children should learn that good behaviour has consequences, which may include rewards, and that good behaviour is appreciated and encouraged.
5. All children should learn that inappropriate behaviour has consequences, which may include punishment, and that following these consequences a fresh start is available.
6. All children should know that inappropriate behaviour will not be ignored or overlooked and that in rejecting the behaviour the child is not rejected.
7. All children should see that staff have high expectations of behaviour, apply the behaviour code consistently and show the responsibility for maintaining high standards throughout the school and grounds and during visits of site (as appropriate to the circumstances)..
Emergency & SEVERE WEATHER Closure
The procedure for informing parents of our school closing due to severe weather or in case of emergency closure is as follows: -
- We will send you a text message if at all possible
- Details will be passed to the local radio station, Radio Leicester - 104.9 FM
- They will broadcast the information from 7.30 am.
- You can also access the up to date information online at Radio Leicester
- Parents/Guardians must not contact the radio station direct as this hinders the process.
During adverse weather conditions we will endeavour to minimise the risk to school users by carrying out the following:
- A safe route from the main gate to all school entrances will be cleared of snow and/or ice and gritted.
- Warning signs will be displayed.
All school users/visitors/staff, including pupils, must keep to the cleared & gritted routes.
Please note that all school users have a personal responsibility to be careful when walking on snow and ice
Please read the detailed Emergency Closure Parent Information.
Fire Drills and Lockdown
When the fire bell is heard, the children leave school quietly and calmly and line up on the Wraggs Yard. Registers are taken.
Each term we check how quickly we can evacuate.
In the event of a real fire or evacuation emergency we have a key to the Chapel on The Green, so we can shelter if we need to. Parent contact details are taken with us just in case.
We hope we never have to Lockdown, but we are prepared. We are able to lock ourselves in the building if we need to. When we practise we talk about a naughty dog being loose in the village or a chemical leak making the air unsafe outside. I tell the children about a time when there was a big factory fire and people were asked to stay indoors.
We have at least 8 members of staff trained in First Aid with 3 members trained in Paediatric First Aid
Bumped Head/Injury Near Eye
- You will receive a text message informing you of any bumped head or injury near eye.
- A letter concerning the incident will be in your child’s book bag.
- We will give your child a red 'I bumped my head today' wrist band.
In case of all First Aid incidents; we will phone you immediately if we think your child should see a doctor or needs to be collected urgently; if appropriate we will phone an ambulance.