Safeguarding And Child Protection
The Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) is the headteacher, Mrs Sue Ward. Mrs Ward is also the Single Point of contact (SPOC) for any child protection concerns about school staff.
Mrs Kate Underwood is the Deputy Lead within the school.
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Mrs Sue Ward | Mrs Kate Underwood |
We have a duty to notice if something might be going wrong. If we are worried, we will:
- Treat you with compassion and respect, mindful of our accountability to statutory safeguarding regulations and our desire to provide excellence for all.
- Contact you to talk about our concerns and look at how you can be supported. This could be via Early Help or by working with the School Nurse.
- Seek advice and refer to social services if we are concerned about the safety of any child. If we believe that any child is at immediate risk of harm we will refer to social services without talking to you- Information about this statutory duty can be found in the Child Protection Summary below
- Keep a confidential record on CPOMS
Please report any concerns you may have, in confidence to the Headteacher (DSL) or to one of the Deputy Leads in school. Our Safeguarding and Child Protection policy is available to read here
All concerns are logged on CPOMS so that we can track and analyse to spot any patterns of worries. Our safeguarding leads meet regularly to ensure that no child's needs are overlooked.
Child protection information for parent volunteers and visitors can be found below.
Note: We will receive a phone call from operation encompass if the police are called to your home
Our governors have a duty to monitor safeguarding and complete annual checks to help us to keep everyone safe.
Safeguarding Autumn visit 23/24
Email our DSL's in confidence for help and advice:
Report an issue to 'Everyone's Invited '
Our pupils are given an opportunity, daily, to report that they are worried about something and would like to talk to an adult. They are also encouraged to use the worry monster to report and ask for help.
We Are here to help
We all need help sometimes. Life is not always easy or straightforward.
At Newton Burgoland Primary school we offer your child a safe space to make mistakes and to learn. We offer you and your family a place where help can be asked for without fear of judgment.
There are lots of reasons why help might be needed including family illness, bereavement, parental stress, a new baby, financial difficulties, marriage breakdown. Some are short term, others can have a significant effect on pupil wellbeing. We are here to support your family and you by signposting services when you need a little or a lot of help. We recognise that this can be distressing, but please know that we do not judge -we are all human -we are here to help you and your child.
You will find links below and here to help but just ask, and we will support you if we can.
It is OK to ask for help. We will not judge, we just want to help all children to have an amazing childhood. Don't wait — childhood doesn't.
Child Protection Summary
- There are four categories of abuse: physical, sexual, emotional, neglect.
- In some cases the school is obliged to refer children to children’s social care staff, for children to be assessed for their needs or if an investigation into possible child abuse is required. In many cases there will already have been discussions between school staff and the parents of the child, and the situation and concerns will not be a surprise to the parents. However, parents may not be told that the school has referred their child to children’s social care if it is thought that this might put the child at risk.
- Children’s social care tries to carry out its enquiries in a sensitive fashion. It has to gather information, and generally it can be open with parents about the steps being taken.
- If you think your child may have been abused you should contact the children’s social care office -
- If you think the abuse may have happened in school, contact the Head Teacher who is also the Designated Senior Lead for Child Protection.
- If you think your child has been hurt, arrange to visit your doctor. Comfort and reassure your child.
- If school staff need to express concerns about a child or refer a child to children’s social care, it is understood that this can cause distress or anger for the child’s parents, we want to work with you to support your child and your family.
For parents’ enquiries please contact: Mrs. Sue Ward the Designated Senior Lead for Child Protection
CSE documents
Information about County Lines — Please help us to prevent the exploitation of young people.
SPOC (single point of contact)
The single point of contact for all matters relating to child protection, prevention of radicalisation and pupil welfare is:
Mrs Sue Ward.
If you have safeguarding concerns about a member of school staff, please report them to Mrs Ward. If your concerns relate to Mrs Ward then you should report to Mr. James Dodds (Chair of Governors).
Operation Encompass
Where the police or social services are called to a home we will be informed. For more information please see and our notice board.
Newton Burgoland Primary School is a traditional school. We place a high premium on good manners, good behaviour and learning together.
Our school promotes the values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs. Please see our website for more information on 'Promoting British Values'
Parent Volunteers
We very much appreciate the time and energy many of you give to our school to support trips and to work in school. DFE guidance requires us to obtain an enhanced DBS for all volunteers, to seek verbal references and to listen to and investigate any concerns members of the community might have about any volunteers or staff members. It is the responsibility of all members of our school community to report any concerns to the Head Teacher. The names of all volunteers are regularly published in newsletters.
Request for Services (for Children and Families) - Early Help — Family Steps
- For more information on Family Steps please see the leaflet below.
- Please follow the link below to request services for children, young people and their families who feel they may need some additional support. The form can be completed by professionals, friends or by the family themselves.
Request for Early Help - - click on Request for Services link
Visitors to School
All visitors are expected to abide by school rules, to act in the best interests of all children and to promote British Values.
We will check your ID and DBS (where needed). You will be supervised in school.
All visitors are expected to read our child protection information upon arrival.
All volunteers will receive an induction.
- Childline
- Action for Children
- NSPCC Lets Talk Pants — teach your child the Underwear Rule and help protect them from abuse.
- 'Pantosaurus'
- LCC Child Protection
- — helpline is 0800 800 5002 — keep kids safe online
- NSPCC Whistleblowing
- Talk About Screentime